Stop Waste

Why Save Waste?

* Have you ever observed how much of electricity we waste by switching on lights/AC even when not required?
* Have you observed how much food is getting dumped into drains daily near hotels/mall/food courts/function halls?
* Have you ever checked how much fuel is getting wasted just because you dont stop your car near traffic signal when it turns red?

Every waste saved is a saving to us and to the nation.So... lets spend right and spend only as much as we require...save waste and save valuable resources for the nation. Every waste that we save is equivalent to a rupee, and lets donate that rupee for the cause of the society. We can make a lot of difference to the lives of underprivileged by saving waste.

* Do you know?
o Cost of one Cigarette per day is Rs. 5. It works out to Rs. 150 per month.
o Cost of education of a girl child per month is less than Rs. 150 per month.

If you can reduce one cigarette per day, you can help a girl child with education for a month.
* Do you know?
o Just look around how much food waste is being dumped in your dust bin, your apartment, restaurants,     food   courts?
o Just look around how many people are struggling to earn even a one time meal in these days of high food costs?

Reduce the waste,cook as much you want..eat as much as you want and what you save can feed hundreds of people directly or indirectly.

Do you Know?

* One luxury lunch for a family on weekend costs Rs. 3000.
* Ration cost of a poor family for a month is Rs. 3000.
* Do you know that if you can skip lunch in a luxury restaurant one week in a month, you can help a poorfamily with food for a month?